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| void Apply(GameObject g) { List<AnimationClip> animationClipList = new List<AnimationClip>(AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClips(g)); if (animationClipList.Count == 0) { AnimationClip[] objectList = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType (typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip[]; animationClipList.AddRange(objectList); } int count = 0; foreach (AnimationClip theAnimation in animationClipList) { foreach (AnimationClipCurveData theCurve in AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves(theAnimation)) { string name = theCurve.propertyName.ToLower(); if (name.Contains("scale")) { for (int i = theCurve.curve.keys.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { theCurve.curve.RemoveKey(i); } string propertyName = theCurve.propertyName; // we can't delete "*.x", e.g. m_LocalScale.x - but only "*", e.g. m_LocalScale if (propertyName.IndexOf(".") > 0) { propertyName = propertyName.Substring(0, propertyName.IndexOf(".")); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Fixing: {0} - {1}", theCurve.path, propertyName)); theAnimation.SetCurve(theCurve.path, theCurve.type, propertyName, null); count++; } } } int checkCount = 0; foreach (AnimationClip theAnimation in animationClipList) { foreach (AnimationClipCurveData theCurve in AnimationUtility.GetAllCurves(theAnimation)) { string name = theCurve.propertyName.ToLower(); if (name.Contains("scale")) { checkCount++; } } } if (count > 0) { Debug.Log("Total number of removed curves is " + count + ". GO name: " + g.name); Debug.Log("Number of remaining scale curves is " + checkCount); } }